Art Sands
P h o t o g r a p h y
The photograph above was selected for the 2004 Center for Fine Art International Photography Exhibition. This was one of 122 images selected from 1800 entries from 16 countries. See for list of contributing photographers. |
The Center for Fine Art utilized a portion of the image in a composite for the cover of the Exhibition's Show Catalog. (shown above) The image was taken Thanksgiving Day, 2000 on Warren Lake, behind our house. I shot it with a Pentax medium format 6x7 on a tripod using TriXP film. The sun was setting quickly in the west and there was only time for one hurried exposure. I usually take at least 4-5 shots of a subject, bracketing the exposures - particularly when the light is very marginal as in this situation. I didn't realize until after I had developed and printed the image that my wife had tied up the canoes the previous week. She is demanding substantial royalties :-) The official title of the print is "Two Guys Overboard" (contributed by a very humorous employee of mine).Please call me at 970 481 0527 for price information or to place an order. Satisfaction fully guaranteed or full refund offered with return of the print. Best regards, The Center for Fine Art Photography 970-530-0252 |