Art Sands
P h o t o g r a p h y
FT COLLINS, CO 80524 970.482.0666 |
Portrait photography prices:
Initial sitting, including one roll of film medium format or large format 4x5, film development and proof sheet $200 (dollars US). Prints - matted but unframed Initial photo, subsequent photos 11x14 - $350 $150 18"x22" matted
Framing: $65, 95,125 - Gallery Quality black wood Prices firm through today Quality Black and White Photography is very time intensive. I spend several hours per print in developing the film and printing in my darkroom. I do all of these steps myself to insure optimal results. Dry mounting , matting and framing are done under my direct supervision. Prints are hand processed on Ilford double- weight fibre-based paper. For archival protection, prints are selenium-toned and mounted with museum quality acid-free materials.